Contentieux électoral : les candidats de RRD, de l’UDIR et du PLP s’insurgent contre l’UFDG

Les partis politiques Rassemblement pour la Renaissance et le Développement (R.R.D),  de l’Union pour la Défense des Intérêts de la République (UDIR) et le Parti de Liberté et du Progrès (PLP), ont animé conjointement une conférence de presse ce lundi 02 novembre à Conakry. Objectif selon les conférenciers, est de se désolidariser de toute manifestation politique dans le pays afin de lutter contre les morts d’hommes et la destruction des biens publics et privés.

Prenant la parole, le président de RRD Abdoulaye Kourouma a tout rappelé l’objectif de la mise en place du collectif des dix candidats à l’élection présidentielle du 18 octobre dernier. “l’objectif de la création du collectif des dix partis politiques engagés dans la présidentielle du 18 octobre 2020 était de mutualiser les efforts pour le scrutin présidentiel. Notamment, le partage  des informations, les PV et les irrégularités du scrutin. Mais nous avons constaté avec regret que l’UFDG n’a pas respecté ses engagements. C’est raison pour laquelle le RRD se désodarise de toute manifestation politique et interpelle l’Etat pour déclencher l’action publique pour lutter contre les morts d’hommes en Guinée” a déclaré Abdoulaye KOUROUMA

Pour Bouya KONATE  president de l’Union pour la Défense des Intérêts de la République (UDIR) manifester est légal mais s’en prendre aux édifices publics et des mort d’hommes n’est pas  normal dans notre pays.

Le  président du Parti de Liberté et du Progrès ( PLP), à son tour, a invité les politiques de  changer leur manière de faire afin d’éviter les morts d’hommes en Guinée.

Les présidents des trois partis politiques ont déclaré qu’ils ne déposeront pas de recours à la Cour constitutionnelle. Mais qu’ils attendent la proclamation des résultats définitifs pour réagir.


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    Take a Screenshot with Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) just press and hold the Volume Down and Power buttons at the same time. About this Event The idea that the impact between a tiny planet and Earth helped form the moon has been around for more than 45 years. But a problem with that hypothesis is that scientists haven’t found any evidence of Theia’s existence. fuuuuuuuuunnnnn Two and a half times the mass of Jupiter and Jupiter is about 318 times the mass of Earth so it’s something a thousand times the mass of Earth; it’s a very large planet, and it’s orbiting the system in an orbit like Uranus’s orbit, about 23 times the distance of the Earth from the Sun. A new study from The University of Texas at Austin is helping scientists piece together the ancient climate of Mars by revealing how much rainfall and snowmelt filled its lake beds and river valleys 3.5 billion to 4 billion years ago.

  40. Loyavybap says:

    Thankfully the game has an in-game Marketplace where players can buy and download extra content developed by third-party creators approved by Asobo Studio. Said content can range anywhere from airports and aircrafts to avionics and even new activities. A genuine next generation experience translates beautifully to consoles. We hope you’ll check out the City Update 01 (German cities) available today and follow along as we get ready to bring you the Microsoft Flight Simulator 40th Anniversary Edition on November 11. The sky is calling! If you’re short on money and want to get Microsoft Flight Simulator 40th Anniversary Edition for free, there are a couple of ways for you to try: “ and his team had to make a very specific decision to simulate the Spruce Goose on the date of its flight. And that’s the experience to simulate with the rest of the world through the 40th Anniversary Edition. And so I absolutely respect and honour that decision, because it’s very special,” says Weinert. “Which means that his team had to be very intentional about getting all their scans, and actually removing some of the components that wouldn’t have been there . So by using the drawings and other photos and everything, they could correlate between what was the original configuration.” There’s no reason to allow long-distance to get in the way of this much-loved game. Great for adults and children, simply download the Head’s Up app before setting up a Zoom call. Once everyone’s online simply kick the app into gear. The game is fully-integrated into the House Party app for a seamless experience, but we prefer the Zoom platform for a more stable experience with multiple players. This fun guessing game gives kids a chance to get some of their wiggles out. Choose one student to be “Detective” and ask them to mute their microphone, close their eyes, and count to thirty. Pick another student to be “It.” The player who is “It” begins an action, such as patting themself on the head. All the other students follow suit and pat their heads. When the Detective is done counting, they open their eyes and observe the group. When “It” thinks the Detective is looking at someone else, they change the action, such as clapping their hands together. All the other students also change their actions. The Detective gets three guesses to catch the player that is “It.”

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  43. Prite says:

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    Check out player profiles for our First Team, U23, U18 and Women’s squads All the matches will be available on Disney+ Hotstar and Star Sports Select HD. Hub Premier 2 (Ch 222/232) Arsenal’s only Premier League defeat in 2022-23 came against Man Utd at Old Trafford in September (3-1). Should United win this game, it’ll be their first league double over the Gunners since 2017-18 under José Mourinho, while it would also see them beat a team that were top of the league on the day of the game on two occasions in one season since they beat Newcastle home and away in 1995-96. These are the 20 teams which will compete in the Premier League for the upcoming season: Erik ten Hag’s side lost their last Premier League tie against Arsenal, while Crystal Palace drew 0-0 against Newcastle United.;u=67362
    Another defeat on the road for Kerala Blasters. Greg Stewart (14’) gave the Red Miners the lead with a stunning free-kick but Sahal Abdul Samad (27’) continued his red-hot form to equalise for the Blasters in the first half. Updated: Feb 10, 2023 09:58 IST Under 2.5 percentage is 41 for Kerala Blasters. This is based on an average goal count of 3 from both teams. This means that 7 of the 17 matches Kerala Blasters has played has had less than 2.5 goals in total. Gender: Male Manjappada, the fans of Kerala blasters at an ISL match in Kochi. (Supplied) Last Match: Win 2–1 vs Chennaiyin The initial 20 minutes were pure domination from Kerala Blasters and after that, the game was in the hands of East Bengal. The home side was constantly knocking on the doors and finally it was Cleiton Silva who scored the only goal at the 77th minute.

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    We are an unofficial website and are in no way affiliated with or connected to Manchester United Football Club. This site is intended for use by people over the age of 18 years old. Who is playing, where you can watch and when. Now, we knew this deal was all but confirmed but now it is officially official: Lisandro Martinez is a Manchester United player. The Argentine international, 24, has joined United for a fee of $68.7 million and has signed a five-year contract with the option of an extra year. Martinez starred for Ajax last season as he was their player of the season under Erik ten Hag, and he now links up with his former manager to help usher in a new era at Old Trafford. Erling Haaland asked Manchester City teammates to improve Football news LIVE with Man Utd bids due, Saka title message, Reynolds eyes new teamExpress Sport brings you all the latest news from the world of football with regular LIVE…
    Near the northern end of the trail is the B2B Trailhead at Lyndon Township Hall, which features dedicated trail parking, water, a vaulted toilet, bike repair tools, picnicking, and more. Near the trailhead, the DNR offers two ADA accessible hunting/wildlife viewing blinds that can be reached via a short, gravel accessible path from the Lyndon Township Trailhead.  For more information or to reserve the blinds, please call the Pinckney Recreation Area at 734-426-4913. Continuous glucose monitoring with low-carbohydrate nutritional coaching improves glycemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes: A randomized quality improvement program evaluation (Preprint) Paul Merson says Arsenal must win their “biggest game of the season” against Brentford on Saturday ahead of a huge top-of-the-table clash with Manchester City next week.

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    Facebook Dating officially launched in 2018 as a feature within the main Facebook app. The 2018 rollout was limited to Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Mexico and Thailand. — Facebook (@facebook) September 5, 2019 The second possibility is to draw younger generations back to the platform by use of the Facebook Dating feature. The option to integrate Instagram into Facebook Dating makes the site more enticing, since Instagram caters to younger demographics than Facebook does. Additionally, the “Secret Crush” feature serves as a tempting incentive that is exclusive to Facebook Dating.  Your dating profile is only visible to other singles who have also chosen to activate Facebook Dating, so you don’t have to worry about it popping up in anyone’s News Feed, nor will your friends see that you’ve registered on Facebook Dating.
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    In many countries where LGBTQ+ individuals are still persecuted, like Chechnya, the most widely used and well-known gay dating apps like Grindr have been banned. Hornet, which looks and works a lot more like a social networking platform than a dating app, provides a safer alternative for queer men in some locations (although it too has been prohibited in places like the United Arab Emirates). Hornet is a gay dating app that is unique because you can have both public-facing and private photos. For people who have tried seemingly every gay dating app under the sun, Hornet is a breath of fresh air because it doesn’t limit you to men that are close by. You can browse gay dating profiles from all over the globe. Gay dating apps are growing in popularity, and this app is a nice counterpoint to other apps you might have in your dating arsenal.

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  74. bub says:

    When it comes to roulette, this casino, like most in the Sunshine State do, offers only the virtual version. Since 2018, the Seminole casino features 12 IGT roulette games. These are the highly popular Dynasty Auto Roulette machines. Nearby are various Italian and Asian restaurants, as well as a few steakhouses. Yes. All four casino venues in Ohio have roulette options. However, the racinos in the state, which combine racetracks and some casino gambling, cannot offer table games, so you won’t find roulette at those locations. Guests must be at least 21 years of age to enter the casino, hotels, and dining venues. Based on the classic game of Five Card Stud, Let It Ride lets you control two of three bets! The number of casinos within the United States is increasing by the year. Many of the states surrounding Tennessee have already legalized casinos. However, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee is staunchly opposed to gambling, referring to casinos as the “most harmful form of gambling.”
    You can use your coins on all of the slot games featured at the Luckyland site. The good news is that there are well over 20 slot games here and they all have cool features like multipliers, respins and so on. Just remember that Luckyland doesn’t feature any table games like roulette, blackjack, baccarat or poker, so you won’t be able to use your virtual credit on anything like that. It’s possible that sweepstakes casino promo codes will apply to different games. For instance, free spins will allow you to play slots while certain social casinos have bonus coins on offer which you can use to play table games. Head on over to our latest review right here at GamblingGuy to find out more. If you are thinking of playing in this casino, this guide will show you how to hack the casino legally and bring the odds in your favor. Note that we won’t be sharing any hacked LuckyLand Slots software or mod to help you do this, as this is only a myth and never works. You can’t cheat any casino that way, and even if it works, you will be breaking the law. There are no instant LuckyLand slots cheat codes. Instead, we will be sharing various tips and strategies that will help you boost your earnings when playing in this social casino.

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