Il s’agit d’un lot de 16 bals de 50 pièces par bal de moustiquaires imprégnées soustrait de la dernière campagne de distribution des mildas aux populations dans le cadre de la lutte contre le paludisme en Guinée. Des bals qui ont été retrouvés sur le marché malien
Surpris par cette situation les partenaires techniques et financiers de la Guinée dans le cadre de la lutte du palu dans le pays ont aussitôt saisit le gouvernement malien de la présence de ces Mildas destinés pourtant à la population guinéenne.
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The AMA Manual of Style does note that an appendix may be used “on rare occasions…for data that cannot easily be represented as a table or figure and are too central to the article to be deposited elsewhere”. The appendix is included at the end of the paper but before the references. Sources for any materials in an appendix are then included in the reference list. The literature on novice teachers likewise concludes that the first few years of teaching constitute one of the most crucial stages in the development of teachers (Bion, 1991). During this time, teachers are more vulnerable (Hoffman, et. al., 1986), unsure of their competence (Johnston & Ryan, 1980), and introspective (Pajak & Blase, 1982) than they are likely to be in later years of their professional lives. The questions raised by Guyton and McIntyre seem appropriate for this stage in teacher development as well.
Twelve out of the 15 papers I examined in the AER, QJE, and AEJ: Applied have the roadmap. I usually include it because it’s a convention, but it doesn’t feel like great writing. Here’s what Deirdre McCloskey has to say about it in her book Economical Writing: “Still another piece of boilerplate, and one that kills the momentum of most papers on the second page, is the table-of-contents paragraph… Too many editors and referees demand it. Don’t, please … don’t. Ninety-nine out of a hundred readers skip to the substance, if they can find it. The one out of a hundred who pauses on the paragraph is wasting her time.” An introduction part in economic paper should contain a thesis statement. This focuses the paper and presents writer’s stand on the current subject. At this step, it gives the first idea to the reader. That is why a thesis has to be written in the most explicit and persuasive way possible. A vague thesis statement causes misunderstanding of the main idea and thus can discourage the reader. The aim of the introduction part is to make the reader to be prepared for the discussion on the certain topic. The writer has to choose a clear position and support it through the entire essay.
Selecting an appropriate and realistic journal is one of the most important decisions in improving your chances of getting your research paper published. To do this, read papers published by your journal-of-interest. Your envisioned paper in terms of potential impact, research topic, and amount of data should be comparable to other papers in that journal. To help narrow down the list of candidate journals to consider, try focusing on the journals that you read. The Method section typically includes Participants, Materials and/or Apparatus, and Procedure sections. If the design is particularly complicated (multiple IVs in a factorial experiment, for example), you might also include a separate Design subsection or have a “Design and Procedure” section. 1155 Sixteenth Street N.W.Washington, DC 20036
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